What Does Retinal Imaging Show?
What Does Retinal Imaging Show?
Early detection of vision issues is key in protecting the health of your eyes. Comprehensive eye exams, like digital retinal imaging, are quick, painless, and effective ways for eye doctors to view inside the eyes and record any changes that might point to vision or other health issues.
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Early eye disease detection makes it possible to put the right treatments in place to stop the diseases progression or completely cure it. Additionally, retinal images make it simpler for your doctor to inform you about your wellbeing and general health.
Together, you two can review your pictures, and your doctor can point out the different retinal structures and go over possible treatments for any conditions the pictures reveal. Its easier to follow your doctors advice on treatment and prevention the more informed you are about eye diseases.
What Is Retinal Imaging
By taking a picture of the back of your eye with a high-resolution camera, retinal imaging allows your optometrist to better assess the health of your eye. This image depicts your:
- Retina, where light and images hit
- Optic disc, a spot on the retina that houses the optic nerve, which transmits information to the brain
- Blood vessels
This assists your optometrist in detecting specific eye or health conditions, which can aid in the prevention of serious disease progression.
Over time, retinal images can be compared side by side to monitor your eye health and detect subtle changes. They allow your doctor to more thoroughly explain treatment because you can review the images together, ensuring a certain level of precision to your routine eye exam.
Over the years, retinal imaging has steadily improved due to consistent research and development. Your optometrist can inspect your eye using a variety of techniques:
- Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT)
- Angiography
- Fundus Photography
- Optomap
Each technique has distinct advantages for detecting specific issues in the eye, and your optometrist will be able to recommend the best option for your specific situation.
OCT (optical coherence tomography) is a non-invasive imaging technique. OCT scans your retina using light waves. Your optometrist can see each of the retinas distinct layers using OCT, this allows your optometrist to map and measure the thickness of your pupils.
These measurements assist in diagnosis and offer insight into retinal diseases like:
- Glaucoma
- Age-related macular degeneration (AMD)
- Diabetic eye disease
Angiography is a type of X-ray that is used to examine blood vessels. Because blood vessels do not show up clearly on a standard X-ray, a special dye must be injected into your blood first.
This draws attention to your blood vessels, allowing your doctor to detect any problems. Angiograms are X-ray images produced during angiography.
Fundus Photography
Fundus photography is the process of taking photographs of the interior of your eye through the pupil. A fundus camera is a specialized low-power microscope attached to a camera that is used to examine structures such as the optic disc, retina, and lens.
Optomap is an innovative technology that captures over 80% of your retina in a single panoramic image. This is the same area (the retina) that your eye doctor examines when dilates and examines the inside of your eyes.
Obtaining an Optomap image is simple, quick, and painless. Nothing ever touches your eye, so its appropriate for the entire family.
To perform the exam, your optometrist will simply have you look into the device one eye at a time (as if through a keyhole), and youll see a flash of light to indicate that an image of your retina has been captured.
Some advantages of getting an Optomap ultra-widefield retinal image include enabling early detection of:
- Vision impairment
- Blindness
- Cancer
- Stroke
- Cardiovascular disease
The Optomap ultra-widefield view allows your eye doctor to detect early signs of retinal disease more effectively and efficiently than traditional eye exams. Early detection allows for successful treatment and reduces the risk to your sight and health.
Below shows the difference in field of view using the Optomap versus traditional retinal photography:
Should You Get Retinal Imaging?
If you are at high risk for retinal diseases, retinal imaging can be beneficial. If you have any of the following diseases or conditions, your doctor may recommend it:
- Diabetes
- Glaucoma
- Macular degeneration
- Retinal toxicity
To avoid vision loss, all of these eye illnesses require immediate medical attention. Furthermore, retinal imaging is an automated procedure. This means that any retinal diseases are examined, and diagnosed automatically by a computer. This limits the scope for human error.
We recommend patients age 5 and over should have imaging done yearly along with their full eye exam. This in-depth testing helps to ensure the eyes are healthy, as most eye diseases do not have noticeable symptoms initially.
Get Retinal Imaging Today
Exams using digital retinal imaging do much more than just look for eye issues. Other illnesses like diabetes, glaucoma, macular degeneration, and retinal toxicity can also be detected by your eye doctor. Early detection using retinal imaging is a great way to protect your vision and health. Book your appointment online with Calgary Family Eye Doctors for this effective, painless exam. You can prevent vision loss and identify any serious health issues.
For more Laser Retinal Imaginginformation, please contact us. We will provide professional answers.
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Detecting Eye Disease with Retinal Imaging
Retinal imaging and scans
Optometrists and ophthalmologists have several forms of retinal imaging at their disposal. Each plays a slightly different role in maintaining the health of your retina the thin layer of tissue in the back of your eye that is essential for good vision.
What can a retinal screening detect?
Some forms of retinal exams are better at detecting certain diseases than others. Your eye doctor will decide which test(s) to perform depending on any risk factors and/or symptoms you may have.
In addition to monitoring the overall health of your eyes, a retinal exam can be used to detect the early signs of some conditions, including:
Digital retinal imaging during an eye exam
If youve had an eye exam recently, theres a good chance youve seen a digital retinal scan machine. This quick and affordable form of retinal screening has become a staple in eye doctors offices across the United States.
These retinal imaging devices use special technology to photograph an ultra-wide view of the inside of your eye in a single image. Included in the image is a detailed view of the retina, optic nerve and retinal blood vessels, all of which can show signs of underlying eye conditions. The process is quick and painless, and doesnt have any side effects.
While dilation is the best way for the doctor to see the whole retina and get an accurate view of the optic nerve, digital retinal imaging can be a very useful additional test.
Some eye care professionals bundle digital retinal imaging into the overall fee for a comprehensive eye exam, but its more likely to be billed separately. In our nationwide eye exam cost survey, we found that eye doctors charged an average range of $25 to $50 for a digital retinal test.
Retinal imaging tests and devices
There are many ways an eye doctor can examine your retinas and take their photos. These imaging tests and devices may include:
One of the most common retinal screening devices is Optos optomap, which offers a 200-degree view of the retina. This type of digital imaging can be used for the everyday patient its often offered with a comprehensive eye exam.
Other retinal tests are more specialized for diagnosing and monitoring specific eye conditions. They are usually performed by an ophthalmologist, or more specifically, a retinal specialist.
Optical coherence tomography
Also called OCT, optical coherence tomography is an imaging technique that uses light waves to take cross-sectional images of the retina. These images are then used to create a 3D map of the retinas layers and measure their varying levels of thickness. OCT can also help detect changes in the optic nerve.
Eye doctors may use OCT to detect, diagnose and/or monitor numerous conditions, including:
Problems with the macula
Age-related macular degeneration
Multiple sclerosis
Ocular ultrasound
Ultrasounds use silent sound waves to get a real-time view of the inside of your eye. They can be particularly useful when there is bleeding inside the eye, which can make it difficult for an eye doctor to spot the signs of retinal detachment, retinal tears or other retinal conditions.
Two different scans an A-scan and B-scan can be used to get different information about the retina and other tissues inside the eye.
Fundus photographs
Fundus photos are similar to digital retinal images, but they usually require pupil dilation beforehand. They also capture a smaller amount of surface area inside the eye. The images captured by fundus cameras are usually used to compare the progression of an eye disorder over time.
Fluorescein angiography
Fluorescein angiography is a test that involves injecting dye into the bloodstream and then taking pictures of the inner eye. It is usually used to monitor the retinal effects of diabetes, hypertension or macular degeneration.
Be careful not to confuse a fluorescein angiography with a fluorescein stain test, which is a way of detecting a scratched cornea or other issues on the front surface of the eye.
Schedule an appointment with your eye doctor
Having an eye doctor regularly examine your retinas, either with a digital imaging device or during a comprehensive eye exam with pupil dilation, ensures any retinal conditions are diagnosed and treated as early as possible.
Contact your eye doctor for more information about which retinal screening options are available for you.
For more information, please visit Retinal Camera.