What is the CAS number 109555 87 5?
What is the CAS number 109555 87 5? This CAS number corresponds to a specific chemical compound, which plays a crucial role in various industries. In this article, we will explore the origin of this CAS number, its significance, and the impact it has on different sectors.
The CAS number, also known as the Chemical Abstracts Service registry number, is a unique identifier assigned to every chemical substance described in the scientific literature. It serves as a reliable reference for researchers, regulatory agencies, and industry professionals to identify and track specific chemicals.
The CAS number 109555 87 5 belongs to a compound called [compound name]. This compound is widely used in [industry/field] for its [specific properties or applications]. .
The origin of this CAS number can be traced back to the meticulous process of chemical compound identification and registration. When a new chemical compound is discovered or synthesized, it undergoes a thorough analysis and characterization. This involves determining its molecular formula, structure, and various physical and chemical properties. Once the compound's identity is established, it is assigned a unique CAS number.
Assigning a CAS number to a compound has several benefits. Firstly, it enables accurate and unambiguous identification of the compound, facilitating effective communication among scientists, researchers, and professionals across different disciplines and sectors. This standardized identification system ensures that everyone is referring to the same compound when discussing scientific findings, regulatory matters, or industrial applications.
Furthermore, the CAS number also plays a crucial role in regulatory compliance and safety measures. Regulatory agencies, such as environmental protection agencies or health organizations, often require the CAS number as part of the documentation for chemical substances. This information helps them assess the potential risks, set guidelines for usage, and monitor the impact on human health and the environment.
In the case of the compound with CAS number 109555 87 5, its unique identifier allows efficient tracking and monitoring of its usage across various industries. This information is vital for quality control, supply chain management, and ensuring compliance with safety regulations. Moreover, researchers and scientists can easily access relevant literature and studies associated with this compound by simply searching for its CAS number.
In conclusion, the CAS number 109555 87 5 refers to a specific chemical compound that has important applications across different industries. Its unique identifier facilitates accurate identification, effective communication, and regulatory compliance. Understanding the origin, significance, and impact of CAS numbers helps us appreciate the vital role they play in the scientific community and various sectors relying on chemical compounds.
For more information, please visit cas 109555 87 5, cas 109555 87 5, cas 109555 87 5.