Gypsum: an old product with a new use
Gypsum: an old product with a new use
Gypsum is calcium sulfate (CaSO4). Refined gypsum in the anhydrite form (no water) is 29.4 percent calcium (Ca) and 23.5 percent sulfur (S). Usually, gypsum has water associated in the molecular structure (CaSO4·2H2O) and is approximately 23.3 percent Ca and 18.5 percent S (plaster of paris). Gypsum fertilizer usually has other impurities so grades are approximately 22 percent Ca and 17 percent S. Gypsum is sparingly soluble (the reason wallboard gets soft but does not immediately dissolve when it gets wet, at least if only damp occasionally). Gypsum is the neutral salt of a strong acid and strong base and does not increase or decrease acidity. Dissolving gypsum in water or soil results in the following reaction: CaSO4·2H2O = Ca2+ + SO42- + 2H2O. It adds calcium ions (Ca2+) and sulfate ions (SO42-), but does not add or take away hydrogen ions (H+). Therefore, it does not act as a liming or acidifying material. The Ca2+ ions simply interact with exchange sites in soil and sulfate remains dissolved in soil water.
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Gypsum as a fertilizer?
Gypsum is a fertilizer product and supplies the crop-available form of calcium (Ca2+) and sulfur (SO42-). If these forms are deficient in soil, then crop productivity will benefit if gypsum is applied. This is a big "if" for Iowa soils. Research has not shown deficiency of Ca and normally any potential problem with low Ca levels is taken care of with application of limestone (CaCO3). Acidity problems will occur before a deficiency of Ca, so liming effectively takes care of Ca also. Table 1 lists typical exchangeable Ca levels of several Iowa soils, and they are very high. For calcareous soils (containing free lime) the soil system is saturated with Ca, and Ca supply and soil pH is controlled by the free lime.
For S, it's basically the same. Research conducted for more than 35 years in numerous field trials across Iowa has shown only isolated and very small corn or soybean yield response to S fertilization (two positive and one negative). Table 2 gives results for recent S trials on corn and soybean conducted in and at six sites across Iowa. These results are typical of research conducted for many years in that there was no yield increase to applied S, gypsum, or Ca. So, if there is no need for fertilizer application of Ca or S, then gypsum application is simply not needed for fertilization reasons.
Gypsum as a soil amendment
Soil structure is impacted by exchangeable cations (positively charged ions). Multivalent cations (more than one positive charge) help hold soil particles together because they can have electrostatic (magnetic) attraction between two or more negative charge sites (soil clay and organic matter have a net negative charge). Multivalent cations include Ca2+, Mg2+, Zn2+, and Al3+. Monovalent cations (only one positive charge) cannot help with soil structure because of only one positive charge, and with sodium (Na+), for example, can degrade soil structure when large amounts occupy the soil exchange sites (also impacted by large ionic size of Na); thus, soils with low salt but high levels of exchangeable sodium (Na+) have poor soil structure. Except for a very small acreage of Napa soil in the Missouri River valley, excess Na is not a problem on Iowa soils, including those with high pH. In arid regions where salt and Na accumulates (saline-sodic soils), reclamation can include use of gypsum. Gypsum is used to add large amounts Ca2+ ions that displace the Na+ ions from the exchange sites, and when flushed with clean water both salts and Na are removed from the soil (gypsum is used instead of limestone because of higher solubility and no increase in soil pH). However, even in these sites this practice is not effective when subsoils have low permeability to water. If a soil only has high soluble salt, then gypsum is not used because it would add to the salt problem.
Soil structure also is greatly improved by soil organic material, which help "glue" soil particles together. Iowa soils have high organic matter content, which is just as important for good soil structure as exchangeable multivalent cations. The most detrimental effect on surface soil structure comes from the physical impact of raindrops. Surface residue is the best defense against this impact, and it comes at no cost from crop residue. Thus, improving water infiltration can be best achieved by limiting tillage to leave the most crop residue as possible rather than applying gypsum. Table 2 shows the lack of corn and soybean yield response to applied gypsum.
In summary, gypsum is an excellent fertilizer source of Ca and S. If application of these plant-essential nutrients is needed, then it works well. However, for Iowa soils both Ca or S are in good supply. Iowa soils inherently have a capacity for providing adequate levels of exchangeable Ca and S for crop production. Thus, more is not necessarily better.
Table 1. Exchangeable calcium and magnesium of several Iowa soils.
Soil CEC Ca Mg Ca Mg meq/100 g lb/acre Kenyon 14.0 8.5 2.6 3,400 624 Readlyn 19.5 14.5 4.2 5,800 1,008 Klinger 26.2 20.0 5.2 8,000 1,248 Dinsdale 20.5 14.6 4.2 5,840 1,008 Tama 20.6 13.9 3.4 5,560 816 Muscatine 28.3 20.4 7.1 8,160 1,704 Primghar 32.7 22.4 7.4 8,960 1,776 Sac 29.8 20.6 5.5 8,240 1,320 Marcus 43.9 37.5 11.9 15,000 2,856 Ida 22.4 16.9 5.3 6,760 1,272 Monona 22.4 18 6.2 7,200 1,488 Napier 27.6 23.5 3.2 9,400 768CEC in the table above is cation exchange capacity.
Table 2. Corn and soybean yield response to gypsum and elemental S application, average across six sites in Iowa.
Gypsum Application Corn Soybean Corn Soybean S Rate Product Calcium CaSO4 S CaSO4 S CaSO4 S CaSO4 S lb S/acre lb/acre lb Ca/acre bu/acre bu/acre 0 0 0 162 159 50.0 50.1 147 146 48.0 47.8 10 62.5 14 158 160 49.3 49.6 143 147 48.1 47.6 20 125 28 158 159 48.9 49.7 147 149 47.0 48.5 40 250 56 158 159 49.0 49.6 149 144 46.6 46.9 Significance (0.05) NS NS NS NSCaSO4, calcium sulfate (gypsum); S, elemental sulfur (90% S); applied before planting in the spring of .
J.E. Sawyer and D.W. Barker, Department of Agronomy, Iowa State University.
This article originally appeared on pages 46-47 of the IC-490 (5) -- April 21, issue.
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By Dusty Sonnenberg, CCA, Field Leader, a project of the Ohio Soybean Council and soybean check-off.
At the Ohio No-Till Conference, Dr. Warren Dick, retired soil scientist at The Ohio State University, discussed the benefits of gypsum and how it may play a key role in water quality issues when properly applied to soils. Gypsum can help capture phosphorus and prevent it from leaving the field. Gypsum is a soft mineral composed of calcium sulfate dihydrate. The word gypsum is derived from a Greek word meaning chalk or plaster. Gypsum is moderately water-soluble. Gypsum can be mined or synthetically sourced.
Several possible sources of gypsum for agricultural use are currently available in the United States. These include mined gypsum from geologic deposits, phosphogypsum from wet-acid production of phosphoric acid from rock phosphate, recycled casting gypsum from various manufacturing processes, recycled wallboard gypsum, and flue gas desulfurization (FGD) gypsum from power plants.
Gypsum is beneficial because it is a source of calcium (Ca) and sulfur (S) for plants, said Dick. The sulfur in gypsum is beneficial for plants. For many years, crops received more than enough sulfur from rainfall, but monitoring of sulfur deposited by rainfall onto soil has revealed significant decreases in sulfur inputs. In about 31 lbs of sulfur per acre were deposited onto our soil in Ohio, and this decreased to about 16 lbs of sulfur per acre in . This decrease, coupled with other decreases, in S inputs due to the use of highly concentrated fertilizers containing little or no sulfur, intensive cropping systems, and increased crop yields that result in more sulfur removal from the soil every year, is leading to more and more reports of sulfur deficiencies in crops.
Calcium moves very slowly, from one plant part to another, and fruits at the end of the transport system get too little. Calcium must, therefore, be constantly available to the roots. Additions to soil of a good source of calcium, such as gypsum, can improve the quality of horticultural crops. It is a source of S and exchangeable Ca to improve subsoil acidity and aluminum toxicity, said Dick. Gypsum can cause clay particles to form into small masses to improve soil structure and reclaim sodic and high magnesium soils. It can also improve soil and water quality. Soil dispersion is mainly caused by highly hydrated ions, such as sodium and magnesium, attracted to the surface of clay particles. This is a benefit of the calcium in gypsum.
The cationic bridging effect of the calcium ion stabilizes organic matter on clay surfaces. The stability of microaggregates is also enhanced by multivalent cations which act as bridges between organic colloids and clay, said Dick. Gypsum has been shown to improve surface infiltration rates by inhibiting or delaying surface seal formation. Gypsum application to soil can also reduce soil erosion by forming larger clay aggregates by binding clay particles so that they settle out of surface water and thus are less prone to be moved offsite.
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