Percussion Drilling Machine

Author: Ruby

May. 13, 2024




Percussion Drilling Machine

You’ve decided to invest in a percussion drilling rig for your business, but you’re not sure where to start. With all of the options available on the market, it can be hard to know which percussion drilling rig is right for your needs.

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A percussion drilling rig is a piece of construction equipment that uses percussion to create holes in the ground. Percussion drilling rigs are typically used for drilling water wells, oil wells, or natural gas wells.

In this blog post, we’ll give you a comprehensive guide to percussion drilling rigs. We’ll cover the different types of percussion drilling rigs available on the market, as well as their features and benefits. Read on to learn more!

1. Percussion Drilling Rig Definition

A percussion drilling rig is a type of machine used to drill holes in the earth’s surface. It uses a percussion bit to create holes by breaking up the rock and soil with repeated impacts. The percussion bit is connected to a drill string, which is rotated by a motor.

The drill string is lowered into the hole, and the percussion bit is activated by hydraulic pressure. The percussion bit breaks up the rock and soil, and the drill cuttings are brought to the surface through the hole.

The hole is then enlarged by adding more drill pipes and activating the percussion bit again. This process is repeated until the desired hole size is reached.

2. Components of A Percussion Drilling Rig

A percussion drilling rig typically consists of 4 main components: the mast, the rotary head, the Kelly bar, and the percussion bit.


The mast is the main support structure of the percussion drill rig. It is typically made of steel or aluminum and is mounted on a large trailer for easy transport. The mast carries the rotary head, the Kelly bar, and the percussion bit.

Rotary Head

The rotary head is attached to the top of the mast and houses the percussion bit. The rotary head is driven by a hydraulic motor that rotates the percussion bit at high speeds.

Kelly Bar

The Kelly bar is a long, steel beam that connects the percussion bit to the mast. The Kelly bar transmits the force of the percussion bit to the rock or soil being drilled.

Percussion Bit

The percussion bit is the cutting tool of the percussion drilling machine. It is made of tungsten carbide or diamond and is rotated at high speeds by the rotary head. The percussion bit breaks up the rock or soil being drilled, making it easier to remove from the hole.

These components make up the percussion drilling rig, a powerful machine that can drill through the toughest rock and soil. Contact your nearest supplier for more information on cable percussion drilling rigs and other drilling equipment.

3. Types of Percussion Drilling Rig Available Today

There are 3 main types of percussion drilling rigs available on the market today: air percussion, hydraulic percussion, and electric percussion. Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages, so it is important to understand the differences before making a purchase.

Air Percussion

Air percussion rigs operate by using compressed air to generate percussion energy. This type of percussion rig is typically the least expensive and is, therefore, a popular choice for small-scale drilling projects.

However, air percussion rigs also have some disadvantages. They are often less powerful than hydraulic or electric percussion rigs, and they can be more difficult to operate.

Hydraulic Percussion

Hydraulic percussion rigs use hydraulic fluid to generate percussion energy. This type of percussion rig is typically more expensive than air percussion rigs, but it is also more powerful.

Hydraulic percussion rigs are a good choice for larger-scale drilling projects. However, they can be difficult to operate and require regular maintenance.

Electric Percussion

Electric percussion rigs use electricity to generate percussion energy. This type of percussion rig is typically the most expensive, but it is also the most powerful.

Electric percussion rigs are a good choice for drilling large holes or for drilling in difficult-to-reach areas. However, electric percussion rigs can be difficult to operate, so it is important to consult a professional before using one.

Choosing the right percussion drilling rig for your project is an important decision. Be sure to consider the type of project you are undertaking, the size of the hole you need to drill, and your budget before making a purchase.

4. Applications for Which a Percussion Drilling Rig Is Best Suited

A percussion drilling rig is a piece of heavy equipment that is used to drill into the ground. It is especially well suited for drilling in hard or rocky soils. A percussion drilling rig can be used for a variety of applications, including:

Drilling Wells

The most common use for percussion drilling equipment is to drill water wells. A percussion drilling rig can be used to drill both shallow and deep wells.


A cable tool water well drilling rig can also be used for exploration purposes. They are often used to drill exploratory holes in order to determine the presence of minerals or other resources.


Percussive drilling rigs can also be used for construction purposes. They can be used to drill holes for footings or to create pilings.

Drilling for Geothermal Energy

Percussion drilling rigs can also be used to drill wells for geothermal energy. Geothermal energy is a form of renewable energy that can be used to generate electricity.


Percussion drilling rigs can also be used for mining purposes. They can be used to drill holes for blasting or to create ventilation shafts.

As you can see, there are a variety of applications for which percussion-type drilling rigs are best suited. If you need to drill a hole in the ground, a percussion drilling rig is the piece of equipment that you need. If you plan on purchasing a percussion well drilling, be sure to contact reliable dealers!

5. Industries that A Percussion Drilling Rig Typically Used In

There are many industries that benefit from percussion drilling rigs, from small-scale operations to large-scale ones. Here are some of them:

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Mining Industry

One of the most well-known users of percussion drilling rigs is the mining industry. They use it for a variety of purposes, such as exploration, blast hole drilling, and more.

Construction Industry

Another big user of percussion drilling rigs is the construction industry. They use it for a variety of purposes, such as foundation drilling, road construction, and more.

Water Well Drilling Industry

The water well drilling industry is another big user of percussion drilling rigs. They’re used to drill water wells for both residential and commercial use. If you’ve ever seen a rig drilling water well, it’s likely a percussion rig.

Oil and Gas Industry

Percussion rigs are also used in the oil and gas industry. They’re used to drill exploratory holes to find oil and gas deposits. They’re also used to drill production holes to extract oil and gas.

Geothermal Industry

The geothermal industry is another big user of percussion rigs. They use it to drill wells for a variety of purposes, such as power generation, heating, and more.

Percussion drilling rigs are an essential part of many industries. If you need one, be sure to find the right model for your needs. With so many different models on the market, finding the perfect percussion drilling rig has never been easier.

6. Benefits of Having a Percussion Drilling Rig

When it comes to percussion drilling rigs, there are many benefits that come along with owning one. Some of the top reasons to have a percussion drilling rig include:

Increased Efficiency

Drilling with a percussion rig is much faster than other methods, such as rotary drilling. This means that you can get the job done more quickly, which can save you time and money.

Easy to Operate and Maintain

Percussion drilling rigs are relatively easy to operate and maintain. This makes them a great choice for those who are not experienced in operating heavy machinery.

Suitable for a Wide Variety of Rocks and Soils

Percussion drilling rigs can be used on a variety of rocks and soils. This makes them a versatile tool that can be used in many different applications.

Durable and Reliable

Percussion drilling rigs are built to last. They are designed to withstand the rigors of heavy use, making them a reliable tool for your drilling needs.

If you are considering purchasing a percussion drilling rig, these are just a few of the benefits that you can expect to enjoy. Percussion drilling rigs offer many advantages over other types of drilling rigs, making them a wise investment for any business.

7. How Does a Percussion Drilling Rig Work

The percussion drilling rig works by hammering a drill bit against the rocks. The force of the percussion breaks up the rocks, and the drill bit is able to penetrate deeper into the rock.

The percussion drilling rig uses a variety of different parts to create the percussion, including a hammer, an anvil, and a piston. The hammer is used to strike the anvil, which creates percussion. The piston is used to create the force that is needed to break up the rocks.

The percussion drilling rig is a very effective way of breaking up rocks, and it is often used in mining operations. The percussion drilling rig is also used in construction projects, such as when building roads or tunnels.

8. Buying a Percussion Drilling Rig from A Reputable Manufacturer

Buying a percussion drilling rig for sale from a reputable manufacturer is an important decision. You want to make sure you are getting a quality product that will last. That’s why it’s important to do your research and find a company with a good reputation.

However, to save you the hassle, we recommend buying from us at Drillrigy. Drillrigy is one of the leading manufacturers of Borehole Drilling machines in China. Our company has specialized in manufacturing borehole drilling machines for many years, with a focus on quality, service, and professionalism.

If you decided to purchase, here is the simple process of buying from us:

  • You send us an inquiry.
  • We provide you with a quotation.
  • You confirm the order and pay a deposit.
  • We begin production and keep you updated on the progress.
  • You pay the balance before we ship the rig to you.
  • We provide after-sales service if needed.

The average cost of percussion drilling rigs is between $50,000 and $100,000. However, the price will vary depending on the size and features of the rig. Purchasing a percussion drilling rig is a big decision, but we are here to help you every step of the way. Contact us today to get started!

9. 4 Tips and Traps When Buying, Deciding Which Type, and Maintaining a Percussion Drilling Rig

When looking to buy a percussion drilling rig, there are a few things you should keep in mind. Here are some tips and traps:

No. Tips 1 Ability To Drill in a Variety of Materials 2 Easy To Use and Portable 3 High Quality and Durable Construction 4 Variety of Features

#1 Ability To Drill in a Variety of Materials

When looking for a percussion drilling rig, it is important to consider the materials that you will be drilling. Some percussion rigs are able to drill in a variety of materials, while others are limited to a certain type of material. Make sure you select a percussion drilling rig that is capable of drilling in the materials you will be using.

#2 Easy To Use and Portable

Another important consideration when selecting a percussion drilling rig is the ease of use and portability. Some percussion rigs are very complicated to operate and can be difficult to transport, while others are much easier to use and can be easily transported.

Make sure you select a percussion drilling rig that is easy to use and portable so that you can take it with you wherever you go.

#3 High Quality and Durable Construction

When selecting a percussion drilling rig, it is important to consider the quality and durability of the construction. Some percussion rigs are made with lower-quality materials and are not as durable as others. Make sure you select a percussion drilling rig that is made with high-quality materials and is built to last.

#4 Variety of Features

When selecting a percussion drilling rig, it is important to consider the variety of features that are available. Some percussion rigs have more features than others. Make sure you select a percussion drilling rig that has the features you need and want.

These are just a few things to keep in mind when looking to buy, decide which type, and maintain a percussion drilling rig. By following these tips, you will be sure to find the perfect percussion drilling rig for your needs.

10. Conclusion

A percussion drilling rig is a great investment for anyone who needs to drill in a variety of materials. There are many things to consider when selecting a percussion drilling rig, but if you keep these tips in mind, you will be sure to find the perfect one for your needs.

If you’re in the market for a percussion drilling rig, be sure to contact us at Drillrigy. We can provide you with all the information you need to make an informed purchase. Contact us today to get started!

Audie Steel

Audie Steel & Engineering has not stopped improving. Many times we came across obstacles that could have stopped us in our tracks. But as a wise man told me once ‘a rolling stone never gathers moss’. Out of that I learned that better things start sticking to you if you stay focused.

Our first real drilling machine for the water industry was the Audie Spider. This was something completely different. A drilling machine capable of drilling 200 meters deep that can be towed by a 4×4 Land Crusier. In the market there was a PAT rig that was selling for around 280 000 ZAR which weighed 1.6 ton. It could go down to depths of 150m – but with great skill on the driller’s part. Audie Steel and Engineering built the Audie Spider. This Spider rig was great especially if we consider that if we has used the same safety factors and specifications of the PAT 301 drill, the Audie Spider would have been able to drill to about 800 meters. However, Audie Steel & Engineering used a 1:4 safety factor on the Audie Spider where PAT used a 1:1.

But our rig costs more and was heavier than the PAT drill by nearly one ton. (Further information – the Spider has been replaced by the Audie

Our next innovation was the Audie TT300 – a unique new tower design that promised long lasting hassle free drilling. The advantages of a hydraulically driven progressive cavity pump on board the rig was the main selling feature. The disadvantage was the double axle setup – it made the rig difficult to maneuver in small spaces.

Then we designed and manufactured the in-betweener – the Audie LC150. Lighter than the Audie TT300 at 5 Ton and the 2.4 Ton Audie Spider, the Audie LC150 came in at 3.6 ton. But we had to give up pull back power as we used a 1:2 configuration here.

The main problems with trailer rigs are as follows; they are difficult to move over sandy and clay terrain and they usually don’t carry enough drill rods, if at all. If you want to drill a big diameter borehole you need to apply a push force that is greater than the weight of the drilling rig, so they like to dance. The surprising thing is that buying a trailer mounted rig is not that much less expensive than a truck mounted setup but a truck mounted setup has a much greater productivity capacity, not to even mention the effort involved in moving the rig unit. That said, keep in mind there is a drill for every every situation and trailer rigs do have a place – though it is a less than ideal drilling solution.

Then we looked at truck mounted rigs and the Audie CT200 came into existence. Here we started experimenting with rectangle tubing and cable. It was a great success and gave us many new ideas.

After that we made a drilling tower for a solar project with auto-leveling capabilities. This rig was mounted on tracks and we needed the tower to align to less than 10 mm accuracy, and because of the huge volume of holes to be drilled, it needed to move and align quickly.

And then came the Audie SAR200 – a robust drilling rig for the African continent at a very competitive price. This rig works with chains at a 1:2 ratio. We used the trusty F6L912 air-cooled engine and a 4 stage bushing gear-pump setup for our hydraulic power pack. The aim was to build a drilling rig for the biggest part of the African continent. As the spares are available throughout Africa this turned out to be a winner. The only real problem we had with the first Audie SAR200 rigs was that they used to go through LFX slides like there is no tomorrow. Then on version two we moved the pull up chains position and that solved the problem permanently. Here we also introduced the SAI motors as a replacement for the Staffa. Though these motors were more expensive they provided a greater range of sizes and were interchangeable with the Staffa without changes to mounting plates. All the time we were improving on our manufacturing processes. We also began documenting each manufacturing process. That gave us a baseline to improve from. This is a journey not a destination.

All along the way we were looking for that wow factor – the ‘Land Cruiser’ of drilling rigs.

The Audie Speedstar – this was the first patent pending that we did. It had a nice flat tower and handled its drilling rods automatically. The drilling rods were housed in a movable cartridge on the deck and the drill tower enabled the drill head to swing in to fetch or stow drilling rods.

The whole time we improved our business processes and also our equipment. We use Solidworks as the driver of the manufacturing process.


The main difference between our current rigs and the Audie African range of rigs is in the tower. We have changed the tower to be similar to the Audie TT300 tower – now we have a 1:1 ratio and it is a dump tower as an added benefit. A dump tower means that the tower gets put down or dumped directly on the ground. It provides more stability and less of the drilling effect affects the rigs’ other components. It also makes it possible to drill at angles. We have also simplified our whole drilling range to give all our drilling rigs the same type of tower. We now have three sizes and a total of 10 differing lengths, but they all look the same which makes the manufacturing process easier to manage. In the past we had six different looking towers – each with its own set of manufacturing procedures whereas now it is down to one set with three differing material sets. As an added advantage the cost is down by 8 percent and we have passed that saving on to our customers. We partly overcame the one big problem 1:1 towers had – that is that they weigh a lot. But for now we have a drilling rig range that can cater for most of our customers with a pull-back range of 8000 Kg in the A100 group to 22000 Kg in our A300 range. As an added bonus we have developed a rod loader for the water well driller to enhance the Audie African range of products.

I am in the process of writing cash flow projections for different drilling rig setups.

A short history.Audie Steel & Engineering has not stopped improving. Many times we came across obstacles that could have stopped us in our tracks. But as a wise man told me once ‘a rolling stone never gathers moss’. Out of that I learned that better things start sticking to you if you stay focused.Our first real drilling machine for the water industry was the Audie Spider. This was something completely different. A drilling machine capable of drilling 200 meters deep that can be towed by a 4×4 Land Crusier. In the market there was a PAT rig that was selling for around 280 000 ZAR which weighed 1.6 ton. It could go down to depths of 150m – but with great skill on the driller’s part. Audie Steel and Engineering built the Audie Spider. This Spider rig was great especially if we consider that if we has used the same safety factors and specifications of the PAT 301 drill, the Audie Spider would have been able to drill to about 800 meters. However, Audie Steel & Engineering used a 1:4 safety factor on the Audie Spider where PAT used a 1:1.But our rig costs more and was heavier than the PAT drill by nearly one ton. (Further information – the Spider has been replaced by the Audie A100-2 ).Our next innovation was the Audie TT300 – a unique new tower design that promised long lasting hassle free drilling. The advantages of a hydraulically driven progressive cavity pump on board the rig was the main selling feature. The disadvantage was the double axle setup – it made the rig difficult to maneuver in small spaces.Then we designed and manufactured the in-betweener – the Audie LC150. Lighter than the Audie TT300 at 5 Ton and the 2.4 Ton Audie Spider, the Audie LC150 came in at 3.6 ton. But we had to give up pull back power as we used a 1:2 configuration here.The main problems with trailer rigs are as follows; they are difficult to move over sandy and clay terrain and they usually don’t carry enough drill rods, if at all. If you want to drill a big diameter borehole you need to apply a push force that is greater than the weight of the drilling rig, so they like to dance. The surprising thing is that buying a trailer mounted rig is not that much less expensive than a truck mounted setup but a truck mounted setup has a much greater productivity capacity, not to even mention the effort involved in moving the rig unit. That said, keep in mind there is a drill for every every situation and trailer rigs do have a place – though it is a less than ideal drilling solution.Then we looked at truck mounted rigs and the Audie CT200 came into existence. Here we started experimenting with rectangle tubing and cable. It was a great success and gave us many new ideas.After that we made a drilling tower for a solar project with auto-leveling capabilities. This rig was mounted on tracks and we needed the tower to align to less than 10 mm accuracy, and because of the huge volume of holes to be drilled, it needed to move and align quickly.And then came the Audie SAR200 – a robust drilling rig for the African continent at a very competitive price. This rig works with chains at a 1:2 ratio. We used the trusty F6L912 air-cooled engine and a 4 stage bushing gear-pump setup for our hydraulic power pack. The aim was to build a drilling rig for the biggest part of the African continent. As the spares are available throughout Africa this turned out to be a winner. The only real problem we had with the first Audie SAR200 rigs was that they used to go through LFX slides like there is no tomorrow. Then on version two we moved the pull up chains position and that solved the problem permanently. Here we also introduced the SAI motors as a replacement for the Staffa. Though these motors were more expensive they provided a greater range of sizes and were interchangeable with the Staffa without changes to mounting plates. All the time we were improving on our manufacturing processes. We also began documenting each manufacturing process. That gave us a baseline to improve from. This is a journey not a destination.All along the way we were looking for that wow factor – the ‘Land Cruiser’ of drilling rigs.The Audie Speedstar – this was the first patent pending that we did. It had a nice flat tower and handled its drilling rods automatically. The drilling rods were housed in a movable cartridge on the deck and the drill tower enabled the drill head to swing in to fetch or stow drilling rods.The whole time we improved our business processes and also our equipment. We use Solidworks as the driver of the manufacturing process.Then was born – THE AUDIE AFRICAN RANGE!The main difference between our current rigs and the Audie African range of rigs is in the tower. We have changed the tower to be similar to the Audie TT300 tower – now we have a 1:1 ratio and it is a dump tower as an added benefit. A dump tower means that the tower gets put down or dumped directly on the ground. It provides more stability and less of the drilling effect affects the rigs’ other components. It also makes it possible to drill at angles. We have also simplified our whole drilling range to give all our drilling rigs the same type of tower. We now have three sizes and a total of 10 differing lengths, but they all look the same which makes the manufacturing process easier to manage. In the past we had six different looking towers – each with its own set of manufacturing procedures whereas now it is down to one set with three differing material sets. As an added advantage the cost is down by 8 percent and we have passed that saving on to our customers. We partly overcame the one big problem 1:1 towers had – that is that they weigh a lot. But for now we have a drilling rig range that can cater for most of our customers with a pull-back range of 8000 Kg in the A100 group to 22000 Kg in our A300 range. As an added bonus we have developed a rod loader for the water well driller to enhance the Audie African range of products.I am in the process of writing cash flow projections for different drilling rig setups.

If you are looking for more details, kindly visit Trailer Mounted Drilling Rig.


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